Proposte per Argomenti di tirocinio e tesi per le lauree triennale e magistrale in Fisica - UniTS
Tesi di Laurea Triennale e Specialistica
Nell’ambito del gruppo ATLAS Udine/ICTP, Trieste, offriamo una vasta gamma di possibili argomenti di tesi, in diversi ambiti. Siamo aperti anche a nuove proposte, e a concordare gli argomenti in base agli interessi, alle conoscenze e alle abilità tecniche già in possesso degli studenti. Gli argomenti elencati costituiscono anche una base per possibili argomenti di tirocinio per la laurea specialistica (lavoro propedeutico al lavoro di tesi vero e proprio).
Tirocinio Laurea Triennale
- Hands-on for high energy physics data analysis using ATLAS Open Data:
The ATLAS experiment at the LHC provides to the outside world a large part of its collected data from proton-proton collisions as well as simulated collision events, in an easily accessible format, called ATLAS Open Data. These data could be analysed by physics students to learn and exercise data analysis techniques, using the ROOT framework or the phyton language, to try to re-obtain the published ATLAS results or even find something new that didn’t get caught by ATLAS physicists! The stage will consist of getting familiar with the ATLAS Open Data format, exercising with the usage of either ROOT or phyton and extracting simple measurements from such data, through the application of simple statistical methods.
ATLAS data analysis:
- Top mass measurement using new techniques with the ATLAS experiment
- Search for new phsyics in final states with a pair of top quarks in ATLAS
- Entaglement effects and Bell Inequalities in top-pair final states: quantum mechanics in top physics with the ATLAS data
Data analysis tools and techniques:
- Data-analysis & Computing: Investigation and development of fast and efficient HEP data analysis tools using RDataFrame
- Data-analysis & Machine-learning: Usage of regression deep neural networks for partially invisible heavy resonance identification at the LHC
- Data-analysis, Computing & Machine-learning: Usage of python for HEP data analysis, including simple interfaces between python-based machine-learning tools and ROOT-based data ntuples
- Statistical Analysis: comparison of profile-likelihood and chi-square approaches for combination of measurements
- Statistical Analysis: comparison of traditional unfolding techniques with a new profile-likelihood unfolding method
Studies for future colliders:
- Feasibility study for forward-backward asymmetry measurement of b-quarks from Z-boson decay at a future “TeraZ” e+e- collider
- Prospects for studying triple and quartic gauge couplings at future high energy particle colliders in final states with multiple electro-weak gauge bosons
- Search for dark photon signatures at future high energy particle colliders
- Simulation, Digitization and Reconstruction of the IDEA detector in Key4hep framework for FCC-ee